Thursday, 29 August 2013

Amazing body transformations.....

Ever wondered about all those zillions of before and after photos?
Amazing body transformations? 

A lot of people work really hard to transform their body - but it is interesting to know what a few simple tricky angles and the right tools can do...

The photo below is 15mins apart!!

read more here:

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

21-Day Clutch Cut, day 3

Ok, so today I decided to wait the instructed 3 hours before eating each meal, to see what I could really fit into one of Ashley Conrad's ideal days -

Meal 1
egg white omelette with mushroom, spinach tomato 

Meal 2
1/4 of my sad brown apple
about 10 almonds

cup of black coffee

Meal 3
2 Cups of lettuce
100grms of tuna
1 tblsp extra virgin olive oil

I am starving by 3pm
Plus I took some cold and flu tablets and now feel like my stomach and throat has acid burning in it

Meal 4
couldn't fit it in today, I'd rather have the protein shake

Meal 5
sculpt protein smoothie

I was hanging out for this
I think I put a little to much almond milk in because it came out fuller then the last couple of days
I felt a little bit guilty and considered tipping the excess amount down the sink but then reminded myself that it was A) organic, unsweetened almond milk B) I had already skipped a meal C) I'm starving

I was full for about an hour

Meal 6
2 Cups of lettuce
100grms of tuna 
1 tblsp extra virgin olive oil
1 whole tomato
1 tsp of salt

I was counting down the minutes until I was permitted to eat my salty leafy salad
I got a little happy on the salt, desperate for a bit of taste
(I have ulcers in my mouth)

I still have reflux, I am still hungry and I am starting to get annoyed that 3 days ago Ashley promised me that I could 'eat all the foods that I love to eat' and never be hungry again...

No Ashley, I do not love to eat leaves and protein shakes all day with controlled amounts of tuna
I want to eat olives, cheese, fruit, pumpkin, crackers and more than 100grms of tuna a day
and have a glass of wine and milk in my coffee for f*ck sake

Everything is annoying me like the sound the dishwasher makes and the dog barking

Meal 7 
protein powder mixed with 1/2 water and 1/2 almond milk

..still hungry

These protein pancakes better hurry up 

21-Day Clutch Cut, day 2

Meal 1
egg white omelette with mushroom, spinach tomato 

Meal 2
Sculpt protein shake:
3 Scoops of  'Clutch Sculpt Lean Physique Protein Powder'
1 tbsp of natural peanut butter or almond butter
1/2 cup of frozen berries 
1/3 of a banana 
1 cup of ice

12.30pm work out 
Felt good at the gym, strong and had lots of energy

Meal 3
2 Cups of lettuce
100grms of tuna
2 tbs of avocado

Meal 4
I'm finding it hard to work out how you are suppose to eat every three hours 'on the dot' -
If I had my last meal at 2pm, then my next should be at 5pm? and then my snack at 8pm and 'dinner' at 11pm? and then your 'optional' meal another 3 hours later?

I really don't know how to fit all these tiny meals into such a short day?
Are you suppose to start eating at 5am?
(Is that even human!?)
Even if you did have your breakfast before the sun was up, you would still be eating past 8pm every night....?

I didn't have meal 4 today because I was conflicted between whether to fit all the meals into my short waking day or to wait the appropriate amount of time between each

Meal 5
1/4 of organic apple
a tablespoon of organic peanut butter

This was a tasty treat but in reality I would have rather eaten the whole apple and skipped on the peanut butter
Plus the remaining 3/4 of my usual favourite fruit has gone all brown from sitting in the fridge overnight
I don't think it's going to see the next 3 days out and that seems like an awful waste to me, especially when your instructed to buy the more expensive organic type

Meal 6
2 Cups of lettuce
100grms of tuna 
2 tbs of chia seeds (which actually suck and get stuck in your teeth and taste like small rocks)

I had tickets to go to the ballet that night and didn't want to wait until 10pm to eat so I had my dinner only an hour and a half after meal 5
The girls came around to my house early for a glass of champagne; which I refrained from having, plus I wasn't feeling that well anyway
Once we were at the ballet everyone went up to the bar and ordered another glass of wine
I asked for a sparkling water, which was answered with a 'don't have any'
'Soda water?'

So I admitted defeat and ordered a glass of red
(After all we were at the ballet and I had skipped a meal today...)

Meal 7
I didn't feel well after the night out and was very tired, so I had a nice hot cup of water with lemon in it and went to bed 

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

21-Day Clutch Cut, day 1

SO, eat 6-7 smaller balanced meals a day 
Eat every three hours on the dot 
Drink heaps of lemon water 
Follow her exercise program in this pattern 

Monday lift
Tuesday cardio
Wednesday rest
Thursday lift
Firday cardio
Saturday lift
Sunday rest

I already see a personal trainer 3 times a week and my days happen to fall on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 
So by incorporating some of her routines which can be found here
into my own weekly workout and picking up Friday and Saturday work outs as well, I should be seeing some results really soon 

Ashley says that your weight loss and muscle building results are based on a 10% exercise and 90% nutrition ratio 

Meal 1: Cheater Protein Pancakes
Clutch Cheater Guilt-Free Baking mix
1/3 cup quick cook oats or quinoa flakes
3 packets or scoops
a cup of unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
1 tbsp of Chia Seeds or Ground Flaxseed
Egg white 

Mix together and cook like a pancake 
Top pancake with 1 tbsp of virgin coconut oil

Ok, so I didn't have any of these ingredients at home to make the protein pancakes (I have since ordered the 'Clutch Cheater Guilt-Free Baking' mix from Ashley Conrad's website) so I just settled for another high protein option of 2 boiled eggs and half a tomato mixed in with some olive oil and white vinegar 
I also had a cup of black coffee with no sugar (you can have two of these a day on Ashley's plan) 

Meal 2: Sculpt Protein Shake, pre workout 
3 Scoops of  'Clutch Sculpt Lean Physique Protein Powder'
1 tbsp of natural peanut butter or almond butter
1/2 cup of frozen berries 
1/3 of a banana 
1 cup of ice 

Blend and enjoy!

So because I have to go work in a shop (unlike P Diddy) I substituted with meal 5 here and decided to have my Protein shake when I got home later on this afternoon (it also makes more sense to have it later on before I workout)
I also used an alternate protein powder because I don't have Ashley's already at home 

Meal 3: Lunch
2 Cups of kale
100grms of chicken
2 tbs of avocado 

Meal 4: 2nd lunch
2 Cups of kale
100grms of chicken 
2 tbs of avocado 

I substituted for kale for lettuce because there was none at the shop and chicken with 100grms of tinned tuna because I don't eat chicken
Ashley would like me to eat 'Wild caught Tuna' but the availability and price at the shop has me eating out of a tin 

Meal 5: snack
1/4 of organic apple
small handful of almonds 

This is wear I had the protein work out shake... which by the way tasted really amazing and was totally satisfying
...the secret is lots of ice

7.45pm work out (lift)

I didn't feel faint or dizzy at my work out, I felt strong and like I wanted to go for a run afterwards
I felt great!!

Meal 6: dinner
2 Cups of kale
100grms of chicken 
2 tbs of avocado 

I had cabbage instead of kale and tuna instead of chicken again

Meal 7: optional
1 scoop of protein powder 
mix with water

Now, before you are overwhelmed with the fact that you have to eat kale, chicken and avocado for most of the day, you can actually substitute those food options with any of the other foods from the same list.
For example, you can substitute tuna with organic eggs, (1 yolk, 5 whites) organic turkey breast, organic chicken breast or any wild caught fish
(I have a visual of P Diddy fishing for organic salmon all grizzly bear style) 

Substitue Kale with Okra(?), Cabbage, Carrots, Zucchini, Asparagus, Organic Celery, Organic Greens, Broccoli or Capsicum 
Substitute avocado with Chia seeds, Flaxseed, Virgin Coconut oil, Virgin Pumpkin oil, raw Almond Butter, Extra Virgin Olive oil, unsalted cashews, walnuts or almonds

On top of that you can also have unlimited amounts of Dill, Ginger, Nutmeg, Chillies, Cinnamon, Lemons, Tomatoes, Pepper and Vanilla Extract. 
You're also allowed 1 tsp of salt a day 

This particular plan is for a woman; men are allowed to have a few extra carbs (typical) like quinoa with meal 3, 4 and 5 

I found it hard to eat on the dot every three hours because I don't actually think there are that many hours in the day?? Unless you get up at 5am (not going to happen)

I enjoyed drinking all the lemon water and felt totally satisfied and slept easy that night; dreaming of the protein pancakes I will soon be eating for breakfast ..


Ashley Conrad's 21-Day Clutch Cut

Ashley Conrad has trained celebrities like Kate Hudson and P Diddy 
She works on a 21 day plan using a gluten and dairy free diet as well as an exercise plan involving both cardio and weights 

She promises to make you a mean, lean, fighting machine in 21 days
...and after my dismal failed attempt of the Model Detox diet I'm up for the challenge 

Plus, a bit of variety in a diet with both food and exercise sounds like a nice change from the normal drab celebrity eating plan

Her 5 basic nutrition rules are 
1. Eat every 3 hours on the dot
2. Eat within 30 mins of waking 
3. Drink at least one gallon of water with 2 lemons daily 
4. Eat gluten and dairy free
5. No fillers, no preservatives, no colouring 

"Clutch Cut doesn't yank carbohydrates from your diet like many other fat-loss programs. Your brain runs best on carbs. Carbs are your body's preferred fuel source, and I want your body to function at optimum levels. Sure, carbohydrates need to be controlled, but they don't have to be avoided."

Hallelujah! Carb lovers rejoice..

"When carbs are cut completely from someone's diet, the body will cling to them and store them as fat the moment they're reintroduced. This can lead to future weight gain and yo-yo dieting, a vicious cycle that's difficult to escape."
"Instead of depriving clients of carbohydrates and snacks, I've found ways to make healthy, great-tasting alternatives. You can eat pancakes, French toast, and protein shakes that taste like ice cream and frozen yogurt. You don't have to stuff the blender full of fruit to cover up a nasty-tasting shake. With Clutch Cut, you'll never feel the need to binge on sugars or other simple carbs."


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Work it like an Angel..

So what does it take to have a body worthy enough to walk in the most prestigious lingerie show of the year?

First of all you have to work out for an hour every single day, a year leading up to the show 
When your down to one month to go, you work out for an hour twice a day
You drink gallons of water to flush out any impurities and to help stop your body retaining fluid 

On top of all this you have to stick to a diet (which contains very few solids) of protein shakes, powdered eggs, vitamins and supplements 
sorry, that's a diet?

With 9 days until show time you cut out any solid food (small portions of protein, fruit, veg) and just go hardcore on the protein shakes 

Two days before the show you cut out all that excessive water drinking and drink 'normally' 
12 hours before the show you abstain from solids and fluids all together 

If you survive, you've definitely been to hell and back for that sweet ass body..
"yeah! we're still alive bitches!"

The irony is that Victoria's Secret is not really a secret
If you want to look like this - I don't like to say 'starve' yourself but I don't think the girls get much satisfaction or sustenance from their pre show life style

It really makes my two day detox attempt look pathetic but I am wondering who other then these immortal, winged, lingerie, goddesses can survive this 'eating' plan...


The Model Detox, part 2

smoothie with banana, mixed berries and mango
mixed with ice and water


steamed pumpkin and sweet potato with onion and garlic

half a grapefruit

steamed pumpkin and sweet potato with onion and garlic

GYM at 7.45pm

ok so breakfast was ok, tasty - but without my normal egg protein fill I was starving by 11am
I found it hard to concentrate at work, reply to emails and found it hard to motivate myself to do much else other then just stare out the window like a vegetable by lunch time

I felt good after lunch, like I had found some new hidden energy but burned out after about an hour..
A pumpkin carb high really doesn't last that long...

The last thing I felt like at the end of the day was going to the gym but I pushed and surprised myself when I managed quite well
Sure, my energy levels were low but it was like I felt high and deluded, like when you eat too much sugar and come down...
I felt good afterwards and put myself to bed by 9pm to avoid thinking about the nuts and dried fruit in the pantry


smoothie with banana, mixed berries and mango
mixed with ice and water


steamed pumpkin and sweet potato with onion and garlic

detox juice (apple, beetroot, ginger over ice)

green salad with no dressing 
pumpkin, sweet potato and carrots 

Day 2 forced me to think back to the horrors Cabbage Soup diet..
The headaches, the lack of concentration, the dizzyness, the gas.... ok gross but seriously, all that fibre takes it toll on you 
I wonder if Miranda Kerr stinks her lounge room out when she's on her Super Model Detox?

I've come to the conclusion, that after 2 short days of Super Model Detoxing, that this diet really only works for you if 
a) loosing weight is required for your job
b) if that job doesn't require basic motor function skills like thinking/forming basic sentences, reading/absorbing any information 

Not that I think a model doesn't need to practice these things in their work, It's just hard to lead a normal life and a super model's (well their diet anyway) at the same time 

I spent 40 minutes staring at the same spot on the wall with my head thumping and my stomach protesting in hunger... and couldn't think of anything else except how hungry I was

The other thing about only eating fruit and vegetables is yes, you can stuff yourself with them but no amount ever leaves you satisfied, at least for not for a very long time 

I actually only lasted 2 days because such a strict eating plan/no variety left me feeling totally flat, emotional and border line ill/might kill someone 

I did loose 2 kilos in 2 days, which is amazing but not really worth seeing the week out or risking my mental well being 

Kudos to these girls..
You definitely earn a body this hot

Saturday, 10 August 2013

The Model Detox diet

New week, new diet!

I've decided to aim high this week and try 'The Model Detox' diet
I've been over indulging lately (ie cake twice yeserday, wine everynight for a week..) and am eager to feel the benefits of rapid weight loss, improved energy levels, better skin and a all in all good clean out!!

Hopefully after day 7, I will be looking something like this:

"The city living, travel and irregular routine of a modeling career can make it hard to stick to a diet. Sometimes a model's body feels overloaded with toxins from fast food, alcohol, caffeine and air pollution. The Model Detox Diet will cleanse those toxins and restore your energy and vitality.
This is an easy cleansing diet that's flexible, convenient and just makes sense. It's rich in vital nutrients and vitamins to keep your body well nourished and maintain stable energy levels.
By eliminating animal products and processed foods, this diet helps your body to clean itself and purge toxins. It's also great for reducing cellulite and clearing up skin."
Use organic fruits and vegetables as they have less pollutants and chemicals. Organic food also has a higher nutritional content than non-organic commercialized produce.
Basically your diet should mostly consist of juiced, raw, frozen, or lightly steamed fruits and veggies. Corn should be avoided, white potatoes can be eaten only in moderation. Eating a variation each day will ensure you are getting enough vitamins and keep this diet as interesting as possible."
wait... no protein?  
Dairy and animal products
Bread, pasta, grains, cereal
Pickled vegetables or canned fruit
Alcohol and cigarettes
Coffee and tea (except green and herbal)"
no coffee? :(
Meal Plans


"Variations of fruit or fruit puree are great for breakfast. They are nutritious, filling and the natural sugars will give you energy to get through the morning.
To make a fruit puree, cut up your fruit and place in a pot on the stove with a small amount of water. Cover and leave it on a low heat until the fruit is soft. Now just throw it in the blender and add a squeeze of fresh lemon to taste. I also like to add a little cinnamon.
My favorite blends contain apples, plums, nectarines, pears and berries, but really anything goes. You can also mix it up a bit by using your blender to achieve different consistencies.

Lunch & Dinner

For your main two meals its important to keep calories low but nutrition high. A vegetable puree soup is the answer. This will give you energy to get through the day and all the nutrients you need.
Cut up your vegetables, add approximately one cup of vegetable stock, and cover on a low heat until the vegetables are soft. Now throw it in the blender and spice it up with a raw clove of garlic or jalapeño pepper (only a little as it's very spicy!). I also like to add cilantro and a little olive oil.
I like to experiment with different vegetables for this soup. Great ideas are spinach and broccoli, collard greens, zucchini, onion, carrots and sweet potatoes. Beans also make a great addition. I like to use chickpeas but be sure they are organic.

Desserts & Snacks

This diet can sometimes leave you feeling hungry (it wouldn't be a diet if it didn't!), so its important to have some filling snacks around for when you need a boost.
Fruit smoothies are a great options for dessert or a snack between meals. You need to buy packs of frozen organic fruits from your supermarket. These lock all the goodness into the fruit and are very convenient. I actually find that frozen bananas taste much better in a smoothie than fresh ones so I peel ripe bananas and put them in a Ziploc bag in the freezer.
Just add ice and a little water, then blend away! I like blends of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and banana. Its really up to you to find a few combinations that you love. Be creative!


Freshly squeezed juices are very detoxifying and a great way to get some condensed nutrition into your body. Fresh juice is also packed full of enzymes which are fundamental in maintaining good health and preventing disease.
Some ideas for recipes - try playing around with these super-healthy ingredients. Cucumbers, apples, carrot, ginger, garlic, beet and broccoli.
Don't forget to drink Green Tea. This is so effective as a diet aid because it increases your metabolism and reduces your appetite. It has also been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese medicine, to cure ailments ranging from headaches to depression."
Ok, the power of positive thinking

read more about the pros and cons and other 'model' diets here:

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

hello, I'm still fat

I know, I know, I haven't blogged about my fat for ages... just in case you've missed me!! (and it)

Don't worry, I haven't lost a huge amount of weight, I am still too fat for fashion -
I have recently relocated my store and have been caught up with things like work, money, business.. all the fun things in life!!

Last time you heard from us, we were trailing the Tiny Teatox -
I did complete the 14 day Teatox but I did not record my experience and think it's been too long to remember specific details or to give the Tea a fair review -

So I will be starting it again very shortly and will be updating you soon on my experience and progress

In the mean time, if you have a diet or weight loss craze that you would like us to try out, (we're always on the look out and reading up on them for you,)
please leave a comment - and make sure you like our facebook page too!

Oh, and we've had over 5,000 hits on our blog since we first started a few months ago!!
So thank you to everyone that reads, shares and is also "Two Fat for Fashion" xx