Friday 28 June 2013

From a Man's Perspective....

How are are you?

How tall are you?

How much do you weigh?

Do you follow any specific routine/restrict anything to maintain your weight?
Not really....

What's your favourite thing about yourself?
I'm a good person

What would you change about yourself?
I'd like to weigh less

What's the craziest thing you've ever done to loose weight?
I just avoid sugary drinks and fast food, nothing crazy
I have tried weight loss tablets and drinks before

Do you think you are normal?
Mentally or psychically?

Both or either or...
I'm a bit too emotional and maybe a bit over weight

What kind of things do you look for in a girl?
A pretty face and personality

What makes a pretty face?
Eyes, lips and bone structure

Would you not go out with a girl because she was too skinny?
no, I'd still go out with her

Would you not go out with a girl because she was overweight?
no, as long as she had a good personality...

What size clothing do you think most girls are?
I dunno, a 10?

Would you feel uncomfortable if an overweight girl approached you at a bar with confidence?

So you wouldn't care what others might be thinking around you like your mates?
no, I would talk to any girl that approached me, I don't care what other people think..

Have you ever been a situation where you've felt uncomfortable about your body?

In front of girls sometimes or other boys, just around people you don't really know in a situation when you might not have a shirt on..

Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and think you're fat?

Often? Sometimes? Every time?

Do you go to the gym?

To be healthy, to loose weight

Too feel more manly?
yes but more so to get fit

Do you count calories?

Do you deny yourself cravings/something you really want to eat because it might make you fat?

Do you skip meals?
Yes, I don't eat breakfast

Have you ever had an eating disorder?

Have you ever made yourself throw up after a meal?

Do you feel body pressures from other men?
No, mainly from celebrities/the media

Has a girl ever made you feel like the way you look is not good enough?

What size do you think the ultimate women is?
I really have no idea about sizes.... as long as they have personality it doesn't matter

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