Sunday 16 June 2013

Secret Eaters, part 1

The other night I watched a very interesting show on the Lifestyle You channel called 'Secret Eaters'
It was hosted by Anna Richardson who has also been a host on 'Super Size vs Super Skinny' on the same channel

Basically Anna and her team of private investigators bug your house, put a camera on your fridge and follow you to McDonalds to count how many calories you are really eating -
The people on the show are in total diet denial and are not sure why they are getting fatter and fatter when they 'don't really snack' or 'only eat salad'

I did feel sad for the lady last night who insisted she only ate salads but forgot to mention the 3 heaped tablespoons of full fat mayo she used as a dressing. Rookie mistake. Seriously that shit is like the Devil's food... She was consuming something like 300 extra calories without even realising it..

The happy snackers all kept food diaries and according to hers she was only eating around 1800 calories a day, which is the recommended calorie in take for a woman, if you want to maintain your current weight.
Turns out after the extra dollops of mayo, excessive amounts of wine at a dinner party and things like licking the yogurt lid, poor Jill was consuming something more like 2500 calories a day
That's and extra 700 calories that she didn't even know she was ingesting, scary shit

I started to shift uncomfortably on the couch and avoided eye contact with Moe, (my dog) when Anna started talking about all the nasty secret calories that are found in alcohol. Ok confession time, I am in a bit of alcohol calorie diet denial myself..I never count them. After googling 'how many calories are in a shot of vodka' I felt very shocked (and a little betrayed) to find that there was somewhere between 70-100. It's not really a huge amount but denial me thought that there weren't any.. (Different websites show a different number and I suppose it depends on the brand?)
70-100 nasty calories in just the vodka alone...
Luckily I drink mine with soda, the people on the show were drinking things like full malt whiskey with coke, big pints of Guinness and full yeasty beer. Telling myself this made me feel a little better but did make me think, how many calories do I really consume in a day? How many times have I licked the yoghurt lid?

So I have decided to keep a food diary and go all PI on myself over the next couple of days.. Starting with the weekend. (ARGHH!)
I will eat as weekend normally as possible and if it is ingested, it will be counted. I want to find out what I am really eating (and drinking) and what its adds up to; because if you ask me now I would probably tell you that like Jill, I just eat salad all the time

shot coffee 1 cal (off to a great start!)
200ml skim milk 70 cals 
100grms egg whites 49 cals
50grms of mixed onions/capsicum/mushrooms, including a little oil 20 cals

total breakfast: 140 cals

100grms of tuna 160 cals
100grms of tabouli 115 cals

total lunch: 275 cals

5 shots of vodka (with soda water) 375 cals
50ml ginger cordial 131 cals
5 mint leaves 3 cals
juice from one lime 7 cals
1 piece of bruschetta 100 cals
about 250grms of salad (lettuce, tomato, red cabbage, cucumber, olives) 70 cals
2 tablespoons of italian salad dressing 80 cals
2 crumbed and fried mushrooms with cheese and tomato sauce (yum) 260 cals 
2 pieces of thin crust pizza with smoked salmon, spinach, tomato, olives 250 cals

total dinner: 1276 cals

..later that night (It gets a little hairy now)
2x vodka and soda with fresh lime  164 cals
shot of tequila (sucked on the lemon) 100 cals
shot of frangelico 70 cals
ate two lemon wedges 7 cals
corner of a brownie 20 cals

walked home with a group (yes good, exercise, go me)
1x cup of tea 2 cals
ate about 8 breakfast biscuits with tea (oops) 442 cals

extra calories: 805

Total calories today: 2496
About 696 over my recommended daily amount
I actually would have come in at about the normal recommended amount had I not ate all those breakfast biscuits

You can see why someone like Jill or myself, would think that breakfast biscuits are 'healthy' and have less calories then just eating a chocolate, (what I really wanted to eat in the first place) but in reality they are full of high energy ingredients and calories that you maybe wouldn't count... which makes sense because they are for breakfast and you're probably not meant to eat 8 of them... be continued

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