Thursday 27 June 2013

Readers Post, Mum Knows Best...

I have always thought it was normal for a young girl to have a problem with the way she looks... to wish that she had longer legs or wish her thighs didn't touch in that spot, it's just too bad about those short goat legs though, cause those babies are genetic!

My own self hatred came from someone else who was also cursed with goat legs...
In about 10 seconds my confidence is smashed into a thousand pieces with questions like  'Are you sure about that skirt? Don't you think it could be longer in the front?'
I would always end up wearing that outfit as a weird self pride thing despite the comment that completely under minded my self confidence, coming from that person who badgers you about 'self respect' and to be 'happy within yourself because you're beautiful.'
...But how are you meant to feel confident and beautiful when you leave the house if that person makes you feel like a wilder beast pretending to be a flamingo?

My classic confidence murderer is my dear mother.

Don't get me wrong I love my mother, she's an amazing woman and someone I always look to for advice, but that lady always knows how to take my self confidence down by about a million notches

I love fashion and the clothes that I wear but even as I finally fit my thighs into a life changing skirt the goat leg comments always comes back to haunt me.
I'm not going to pretend that I haven't gone to drastic levels to try to look skinnier. I'm a very anxious person. I've always had this feeling of dread that something awful will happen to me one day and I usually express that feeling through food.
Depending on my mood shows my level of control and how I feel , i.e classic vomiting after eating something I would never eat like 4 slices of birthday cake washed down with a glass of milk. Cake yes,  milk no. Or starving my self for two days so that I can fit my thighs into a ridiculous dress that I have to wear or else something awful will happen to me. 

I love fashion and the clothes I wear but even if I think I look hot and skinny that comment about my goat legs will alway come back to get me.

Writing this has made me feel more in control of my anxiety, my only regret is my 15 year old self would have never have been able to let go of it.
At the end of the day I know I can never live off cake and be Lana del Rey.

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